5 Common Stains and How to Remove Them From Your Clothes

First and foremost, when it comes to stains…timing is everything! The sooner you can get to a stain, the better.  Make sure the stain is gone before you put the fabric in the dryer otherwise it will set it.  If the fabric label says dry clean, bring it to us or your nearest dry cleaner as soon as possible. 

  1. Blood Stains – While we hope this doesn’t happen often, sometimes accidents happen. If you get a blood stain on your clothes the first thing you want to do is soak the stain in cold water then dab with hydrogen peroxide or rub with soap. Scrub the stain in cold water. Do not use hot water as it will set the stain! Once the stain is removed, wash as normal. 
  2. Grass Stains – Kids in particular have a tendency to get grass stains while playing outside, so you may want to save this one. Mix 1 part white vinegar to 2 parts water, then use a toothbrush to gently scrub the solution into the stain. Wash as normal. 
  3. Coffee – Coffee is happiness in a cup, but not on your clothes! To get coffee stains out of your clothes, first run the stain under cold water.  Next soak the stain in a mix of 8 oz of warm water, ½ a teaspoon of dishwashing detergent, and 1 tbsp of white vinegar for 15 minutes. Rinse the stain with warm water. Wash as normal. 
  4. Wine – Forget crying over spilled milk, you most likely will shed a tear over spilled wine! Don’t fret, you’ll be back to sipping in no time. Mix together equal parts dishwashing detergent and hydrogen peroxide. Dab the solution onto the stain, let it sit for 2-3 minutes and you should see the stain start to fade. Once the stain has faded, wash as normal. 
  5. Permanent Marker – While we like permanent markers to be permanent for some things, we sure do not want them to be permanent stains! To remove permanent marker, dip a cotton ball or a paper towel into some rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer (which we should all have plenty of by now), then dab onto the stain with a paper towel behind the fabric to prevent it from bleeding through. You should see the ink transfer to the cotton ball or paper towel. Repeat with a fresh cotton ball or paper towel until removed. Wash as normal. 

If you have tough stains or are afraid to try and get it out yourself, we can help! We are stain removal experts. Visit us at our Roseville or Granite Bay dry cleaning locations.

Bud’s Dry Cleaning Roseville – 323 Judah St | (916) 782-6528
Bud’s Dry Cleaning Granite Bay – 8771 Auburn Folsom Rd | (916) 791-2837